Friday, May 12, 2006

The Lost City of Faar by D.J. MacHale

Bobby Pendragon is in the flume again, this time on his way to Cloral. Cloral is a world where everyone lives on gigantic boats...almost everyone. Ledgend has it that a thousand years ago there was an island called Faar, where the first Clorans lived. It sunk like Atlantis, and was never seen again. If there is such a place, it would be the perfect target to make the whole world fall into chaos.

D.J. MacHale isn't the greatest writer, but he sure knows how to make you want to keep reading! Spader was pretty cool, everybody likes him, but why did he have to change so much? I liked the fish people a lot. 'Fake' mermaids and mermen.

Going to Florida tomorrow! Is it the Sunshine State, or is that somewhere else?

Friday, May 05, 2006


Today is Mom's birthday! Wish her one.
Here's a way to say it on the phone...
1. call 822-5338
2. then push(and maybe sing):

Hap-py Birth-day to you,
1 1 2 1 # 6
Hap-py Birth-day to you,
1 1 2 1 # 3
Hap-py Birth-day dear mom (or Julie)
1 1 # # 8 4 ? 1
Hap-py Birth-day to you!
# #
6 4 2 1

The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnans Rawling

The Yearling: Jodie and Ma and his father, Penny live on Baxter's Island, a pine forest in the middle of Florida scrub. One day while he and Penny are hunting, Penny is bit by a rattler. They kill a doe to draw off the poison. Jodie, who has always wanted a pet, argues that since the doe had saved Penny's life, they should take care of her fawn. But when it starts ruining crops....

This was an okay book. it didn't get very interesting until Penny got bit and they rescued Flag. One thing I did like, though, was the way everyone talked. Ev'rythin' was slurred and endings were usually cut off.

...I just think of these things, and then I don't feel so bad!

  • Barnes and Noble (and books in general)
  • birthday parties
  • friends
  • fun words (like effervescent and uber)
  • knitting
  • learning languages
  • RUF
  • Scrabble...and other word games
  • skiing
  • sleep-overs
  • swimming
  • tea
  • traveling (not the car part, so much!)
  • weddings
  • writing fantasy stories