Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Florida books

The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo
Quasimodo the hunchback, Dom Claude the priest, and Phoebus the captain are all in love with Esmeralda, the gypsy. They all react in different ways, though: Quasimodo can't do anything because he is partially blind, deaf, and mostly mute; Dom Claude tries to kill her, and Phoebus is almost murdered. It is really very interesting.

Very good. The ending was sad, but it couldn't have ended any other way and still have made sense. That makes me pretty sure that Disney screwed it up, even though the first and only time I have ever watched it was when I was five. Pierre was good.

Notre Dame is spelled so weird.
French is weird.
Did I spell weird right?

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Jane is a plain governess orphan who is working for Mr. Rochester, and odd, proud, man. He is like his house. Many nights there is eery laughter from the attic. Someone tries to murder him twice. He and Jane fall in love with each other, and try to marry each other. Of course, there are problems.

Good, but there is no good reason that Mr. Rochester has for loving her. He doesn't seem like the kind of man to love a plain woman. It kind of ruins the story if you realize that the actual story doesn't make sense. I would love it if someone gave me an explanation.
Why is there so much French? Maybe lots of people back then could read French out of a book. I can't. I would try to read German, though. St. John makes no sense. I'm glad he's not my brother.

school's out!

1 comment:

courtney jewett said...

ruthie! jane eyre is my favorite book! we should have a discussion about it. i wanted to name my next son st. john, but wade didn't even entertain that i was serious. i loved st. john. mr. rochester loved her b/c she was witty.

...I just think of these things, and then I don't feel so bad!

  • Barnes and Noble (and books in general)
  • birthday parties
  • friends
  • fun words (like effervescent and uber)
  • knitting
  • learning languages
  • RUF
  • Scrabble...and other word games
  • skiing
  • sleep-overs
  • swimming
  • tea
  • traveling (not the car part, so much!)
  • weddings
  • writing fantasy stories