Monday, January 23, 2006


Here is an update of where I've been this month.
I went to RUF's ski trip! It was GREAT! I even had fun driving there and back, which is hard to do on long trips. The first day me and Dad woke the rest of our apartment up with really loud music. They didn't like it. I went to ski lessons most of the day. My teacher was really nice, and her name was Miss Nicole. I enjoyed all of large group- the speaker, the songs, and the stories. Wednesday I went with everyone else, and raced down hills. at about 3:00 it started blizzarding, and I ran into a tree. Thursday was clear all day long. I even went down some blues.
Every year Dazzlers goes to a workshop in Duncanville, Texas. We drove down Friday night, and slept in a church. We did T-shirts and talked for a long time, so I went to sleep at about midnight. The next morning we all got up at six, and had to be out by 7:30. I was really tired. We drove to Duncanville Highschool, and started to dance at 8:30, stopped for lunch at noon, and danced some more until 5:00. I really enjoyed our afternoon routine, which was almost like a play, to a song about the Emerald City in the Wizard of Oz.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great to hear about your travels Ruthie. Glad you liked skiing-I don't know about the hitting the tree part, hopefully you hit it gently?

...I just think of these things, and then I don't feel so bad!

  • Barnes and Noble (and books in general)
  • birthday parties
  • friends
  • fun words (like effervescent and uber)
  • knitting
  • learning languages
  • RUF
  • Scrabble...and other word games
  • skiing
  • sleep-overs
  • swimming
  • tea
  • traveling (not the car part, so much!)
  • weddings
  • writing fantasy stories